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Bug Reporting and Communication with Stakeholders

Bug reporting and effective communication with stakeholders are critical components of the software testing process. In this tutorial, we will explore the key concepts, methods, and tools involved in bug reporting and stakeholder communication. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional, this guide will help you understand the importance of bug reporting and how to effectively communicate with stakeholders.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Bug Reporting?
  3. Bug Report Sample Download
  4. Why is Bug Reporting Important?
  5. How to Report a Bug?
  6. Bug Report Components
  7. Bug Report Tools
  8. Example of Bug Reporting
  9. Communication with Stakeholders
  10. Executing Test Cases in Real Scenarios
  11. Conclusion


Bug reporting involves documenting and reporting software defects or issues encountered during testing. It helps in improving the software quality by identifying and resolving these problems. Effective communication with stakeholders is crucial to ensure that bug reports are understood and addressed promptly.

What is Bug Reporting?


Bug reporting involves documenting and reporting software defects or issues encountered during testing.

Bug reporting is the process of documenting and reporting identified software defects or issues to the development team. It involves providing detailed information about the bug, its impact, and steps to reproduce it. A well-written bug report helps developers understand the problem and aids in efficient bug fixing.

Bug Report Sample Download

Why is Bug Reporting Important?

Bug reporting plays a vital role in the software development lifecycle due to the following reasons:

  • Identification of Issues: Bug reports help identify and document software defects, ensuring that they are not overlooked.
  • Clear Communication: Bug reports provide a clear and concise description of the problem, allowing developers to understand and reproduce the issue.
  • Efficient Bug Fixing: Well-documented bug reports enable developers to resolve issues quickly and accurately.
  • Improved Software Quality: By reporting and fixing bugs, the overall software quality improves, resulting in enhanced user experience.

How to Report a Bug?

When reporting a bug, follow these steps:

  1. Reproduce the Bug: Ensure that you can consistently reproduce the bug before reporting it. This helps in providing accurate information to the development team.

  2. Gather Information: Collect all relevant details about the bug, such as the operating system, device, browser version, and steps to reproduce the issue.

  3. Write a Clear Description: Provide a clear and concise description of the bug, including its impact on the software and expected behavior.

  4. Include Screenshots or Videos: Capture screenshots or record videos to visually demonstrate the bug. Visual aids improve understanding and assist developers in resolving the issue.

  5. Specify Steps to Reproduce: Document the exact steps required to reproduce the bug. This helps developers recreate the issue in their development environment.

  6. Assign Severity and Priority: Assign appropriate severity and priority levels to the bug based on its impact and urgency.

  7. Submit the Bug Report: Use a bug tracking system or the designated bug reporting tool to submit the bug report to the development team.


The bug life cycle is indeed important in bug reporting. It provides a systematic approach to managing bugs from their identification to their resolution. Understanding the bug life cycle helps testers, developers, and stakeholders track the progress of bug fixing activities and ensures that bugs are resolved effectively. Click Here to learn more about bug life cycle stages:

Bug Report Content or Bug Report Components

A well-written bug report should contain the following elements:

  1. Title: A concise summary of the bug.
  2. Description: A detailed explanation of the bug, including the expected behavior and observed deviation.
  3. Steps to Reproduce: Clear and sequential instructions to recreate the bug.
  4. Expected and Actual Results: The expected outcome and the actual result observed.
  5. Attachments: Screenshots, videos, or any other supporting files.
  6. Environment Details: Information about the operating system, device, browser, etc.
  7. Severity and Priority: The impact and urgency levels assigned to the bug. To know more Click Here
  8. Additional Notes: Any extra information that can help in understanding or reproducing the bug, such as error messages, related issues, or specific conditions under which the bug occurs.

To learn more about the components and content of a test case, please click Here for further information.

Bug Report Tools

Several bug tracking and reporting tools are available to streamline the bug reporting process. Some popular tools are:

  • Jira
  • Bugzilla
  • Trello
  • Mantis Bug Tracker

These tools help in managing and tracking bugs efficiently, enabling collaboration between testers, developers, and stakeholders.

Example of Bug Reporting

Sure! Here's an example of bug report content that follows the recommended structure:

Bug Report Title: Unable to Login with Invalid Password

Description: When attempting to log in with an invalid password, the system does not display the expected error message and does not allow access to the user account.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the login page.
  2. Enter the username "exampleuser" in the username field.
  3. Enter an incorrect password "abc123" in the password field.
  4. Click the "Login" button.

Expected Results: After clicking the "Login" button with an incorrect password, the system should display an error message indicating that the password is incorrect. The user should not be granted access to the account.

Actual Results: After clicking the "Login" button with an incorrect password, the system refreshes the login page without any error message. The user is not notified of the incorrect password and can access the account.

Environment Details:

  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Browser: Google Chrome (Version 92.0.4515.159)

Attachments: Attached screenshot of the login page after attempting to log in with an incorrect password.

Severity and Priority:

  • Severity: High
  • Priority: Medium

Additional Notes: This issue occurs consistently and has been tested on multiple user accounts.

By following this bug report structure, testers can provide clear and concise information about the bug, allowing developers to understand and address the issue efficiently.

Communication with Stakeholders

Effective communication with stakeholders is crucial in bug reporting. Follow these best practices:

  1. Establish Communication Channels: Set up regular meetings, use email updates, or utilize collaboration platforms to communicate with stakeholders.

  2. Provide Status Updates: Keep stakeholders informed about the progress of bug fixing activities, including resolved bugs, ongoing investigations, and any challenges faced.

  3. Tailor Communication: Adapt your communication style and technical level based on the stakeholders' backgrounds and roles. Use non-technical language when communicating with non-technical stakeholders.

  4. Highlight Critical Bugs: Emphasize high-severity bugs and their potential impact on the software, user experience, or business processes. This helps stakeholders understand the urgency and prioritize bug fixes.

Executing Test Cases in Real Scenarios

Executing test cases in real scenarios involves the following steps:

  1. Identify Test Scenarios: Determine the scenarios to be tested based on the software requirements, user personas, and potential use cases.

  2. Create Test Cases: Develop test cases that cover the identified scenarios. Each test case should include preconditions, inputs, expected outcomes, and post-conditions.

  3. Execute Test Cases: Follow the test cases and perform the necessary steps to execute them in the real software environment.

  4. Record Results: Record the actual results obtained during test case execution, noting any discrepancies or deviations from the expected outcomes.

  5. Report Bugs: If any issues or defects are encountered during test case execution, report them following the bug reporting process mentioned earlier in this tutorial.

  6. Track Bug Fixes: Monitor the progress of bug fixes and communicate updates to stakeholders as necessary.


Bug reporting and effective communication with stakeholders are crucial for successful software testing. By following the best practices outlined in this tutorial, you can ensure clear and concise bug reports, streamlined bug tracking, and collaborative stakeholder communication. Remember, efficient bug reporting and stakeholder communication contribute to the overall quality and success of the software development process.

Note: This tutorial is provided as a general guide. The specific bug reporting processes and tools may vary depending on the organization and project requirements.